bannière La Voie de Lyon

La Voie de Lyon


190 km

Average duration

10 day(s)

Our services for La Voie de Lyon

Interactive map: stages and accommodation

Discover La Voie de Lyon

To reach le Puy-en-Velay from Lyon will take you about 10 days on foot. This hiking trail, 190 km in total, meets up with the voie de Cluny at Saint-Romain-le-Puy.

After a visit to the capital of the Gauls, and why not a stop in a typical Lyon restaurant, you'll notably pass through the Lyonnais mountains then cross the Loire to reach the mountains of Forez then the gorges of the Loire before making your way to le Puy-en-Velay... will you continue the adventure as far as Santiago de Compostela?

Topoguide (guidebook)  Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle - Voie de Cluny le Puy et Lyon Le Puy


Resources site: FFRandonnée Haute-Loire ou


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with our partner Les Petits Montagnards