bannière La voie de Cluny

La voie de Cluny


318 km

Average duration

16 day(s)

Our services for La voie de Cluny

Interactive map: stages and accommodation

Discover La voie de Cluny

The Santiago de Compostela route from Cluny to le Puy-en-Velay (GR 765) extends over 318 km and will take about 16 days.

From Burgundy, your journey will begin in Cluny and its famous Benedictine abbey. After passing through the Beaujolais mountains, you'll discover the architectural riches of Charlieu and then the vineyards of the Côtes Roannaises.

Your journey will then continue through the Loire Valley and the Forez Mountains. Finally, your hike will end with the gorges of the Loire as you reach le Puy-en-Velay.


Ideas for stages 

You can use the following stages to prepare your hike. Of course, these can be modified according to your chosen accommodations:

  • Step 1 : Cluny - Tramayes, 19.5 km
  • Step 2 : Tramayes - Ouroux, 16,4 km
  • Step 3 : Ouroux, - Proprières, 20.5 km
  • Step 4 : Propières - Le Cergne, 19 km
  • Step 5 : Le Cergne - Charlieu, 17,1 km
  • Step 6 : Charlieu - la Motte/Garambeau*, 15.5 km
  • Step 7 : la Motte/Garambeau* - St André d’Apchon, 21.7 km
  • Step 8 : St André d’Apchon - Bully, 21,7 km
  • Step 9 : Bully - Bussy Albieux, 21.2 km
  • Step 10 : Bussy Albieux - Montverdun, 15,1 km
  • Step 11 : Montverdun - Montbrison, 17.3 km
  • Step 12 : Montbrison - Marols, 22,5 km
  • Step 13 : Marols - Leignecq, 21 km
  • Step 14 : Leignecq - Retournac, 28.7 km
  • Step 15 : Retournac - St Maurice de Roche, 17 km
  • Step 16 : St Maurice de Roche - Chalignac, 16,5 km
  • Step 17 : Chalignac - Le Puy-en-Velay, 17.5 km


Topoguide (guidebook): 

Cluny-le Puy

Ressources site : 

FFRandonnée Haute-Loire