bannière GR® 21 - Littoral de la Normandie, de Dieppe à Etretat

GR® 21 - Littoral de la Normandie, de Dieppe à Etretat


50 km

Average duration

4 day(s)

Our services for GR® 21 - Littoral de la Normandie, de Dieppe à Etretat

Interactive map: stages and accommodation

Discover GR® 21 - Littoral de la Normandie, de Dieppe à Etretat

The hiking trail that connects Dieppe to Étretat, the GR® 21, is a true treasure of the Alabaster Coast, offering hikers an unforgettable experience through spectacular landscapes. This magnificent hike follows the cliff line, providing breathtaking views of the sea and the famous cliffs of Étretat.

The hike begins in Dieppe, a charming port town with its bustling harbor and cobbled streets. As hikers leave the town, they are immediately rewarded with stunning panoramas of the English Channel. Majestic white cliffs stand before them, creating a striking contrast with the deep blue of the ocean.

As you progress along the trail, the landscapes transform, transitioning from vast pebble beaches to secluded coves and steep cliffs. Nature is at its peak here, with an abundance of flora and marine fauna. Seagulls soar above the waves, curious seals occasionally pop their heads out of the water, and wildflowers paint the coastal meadows.

Along the way, hikers can stop in small coastal villages to rest and indulge in local cuisine. Fresh seafood is a specialty of the region, and savoring a plate of oysters accompanied by a glass of white wine is a true delight for the taste buds.

Finally, upon reaching Étretat, hikers are greeted with a breathtaking view. The cliffs of Étretat, with their elegant shapes and natural arches, offer a panorama that has inspired numerous artists and writers throughout the centuries. It's a place where one can sit and contemplate the vastness of the ocean, feeling in harmony with the raw beauty of nature.

Topoguide (guide book) :

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Accommodations :