bannière La Routo

La Routo


540 km

Average duration

34 day(s)

Our services for La Routo

Interactive map: stages and accommodation

Discover La Routo

The hike connects Arles in Provence to Cuneo in the Italian Piedmont through 34 stages and over nearly 540 km. The itinerary follows the ancient transhumance paths and encourages hikers to take "La Route" (La Routo in Occitan) in the footsteps of the shepherds from the valleys of Piedmont, Val Stura, Val Maira, and Val Grana, who migrated to lower Provence, the plains of Crau, and Camargue.

Thanks to La Routo, you will discover some of the most emblematic landscapes of the territories you will cross, From the Camargue delta and the Crau steppe to the Alpine summits and lakes, as well as the numerous facilities related to transhumance: raised stones and walls, rest areas, bridges, and fountain-troughs...

La Routo is not only a long-distance hiking trail, but it aims to be a support for mediation, interpretation, and valorization of pastoral heritage, professions, and products related to transhumant livestock farming.

La Routo is a thematic GR® managed by the Maison de la Transhumance (in France) and the Unione Montana Valle Stura (for the Italian part), and it also relies on numerous events, fairs related to livestock, agricultural shows, and transhumance festivals organized in the municipalities along the route, from the Crau plain to the Stura valley.

The Topoguide® has been available since June 2022. A range of outdoor clothing called "La Routo" has been developed to highlight the merino wool from Arles, an emblematic breed of the great transhumance in Provence (

Below are some examples of stages with arrival in the alpine pastures after 4 days of walking:

  • Day 1: From La Javie to Le Vernet - 19.1 km
  • Day 2: From Le Vernet to Seyne-les-Alpes - 14.4 km
  • Day 3: From Seyne-les-Alpes to the Vallon du Laverq - 21.6 km
  • Day 4: From the Vallon du Laverq to Méolans-Revel - 10.2 km

Official website of La Routo

The 'La Routo' clothing line in Arles Merino wool

Transhumance, recently inscribed on UNESCO's list.