bannière GR7: from Mâcon to Castelnaudary

GR7: from Mâcon to Castelnaudary


770 km

Average duration

35 à 45 day(s)

Our services for GR7: from Mâcon to Castelnaudary

Interactive map: stages and accommodation

Discover GR7: from Mâcon to Castelnaudary

This route, still very little known to the general public, is also called "Crossing of the Massif Central via the parks". It's an opportunity to discover sites of great richness in terms of their landscapes and territories.

The route will take you through many mountains and hills. You'll notably pass through the regional nature parks of PilatMonts d'Ardèche and Haut Languedoc as well as the Cevennes National Park.

No doubt about it, this trail will lead you along mountain routes that are preserved and usable for much of the year.


On your way:

Mountains and causses (limestone plateaus), including...

The Massif du Pilat, Mont Mézenc and Mont-Gerbier-de-Jonc (source of the Loire), Mont Lozère, Mont Aigoual, Cirque de Navacelles, Montagne Noire.

But also lovely towns and villages..

Le Bessat, Devesset, Saint-Bonnet-le-Froid, Les Estables, Le Bleymard, Barre-des-Cévennes, Lodève, Lamalou-les-Bains, Mazamet


Prepare your hike

Resources website Mon GR

Guide book : du Pilat aux Cévennes

Rent your hiking equipment

with our partner Les Petits Montagnards