bannière The Gorges of the Tarn

The Gorges of the Tarn


300 km

Average duration

15 day(s)

Our services for The Gorges of the Tarn

Interactive map: stages and accommodation

Discover The Gorges of the Tarn

Hike through the Gorges of the Tarn between Lozère and Aveyron. Surrounded by the Causse Méjean, the Causse du Sauveterre and the Causse Noir (a causse is a limestone plateau), you'll walk along this wild river that takes its source at Mont Lozère. You'll discover sumptuous landscapes with rocky chaos and remarkable fauna in terms of its diversity with for example wild vultures (not to mention monk visible from the gorges and causses. 

Between Florac and Le Rozier, 53 km of hikes are possible in the Gorges of the Tarn, where you'll discover typical villages and majestic circuses. Remarkable views of the surrounding Causses are also available, as well as access to the troglodyte villages of Eglazines and Saint-Marcellin.

Not far away, you can also follow famous hiking trails such as the Stevenson trail, or the Tour of Mont Lozère.


Ideas for stages 

You can use the following stages to prepare your hike. Of course, these can be modified according to your chosen accommodations:

  • Step 1 : Florac - Ispagnac : 9 km
  • Step 2 : Ispagnac - Sainte-Enimie : 18 km
  • Step 3 : Sainte-Enimie - La Malène : 14 km
  • Step 4 : La Malène - Le Rozier : 23 km


Tourism & Accommodations

Tourist office of Florac

Prepare your hike

Sentier des gorges du Tarn

Rent your hiking equipment

with our partner Les Petits Montagnards