bannière The Stevenson trail

The Stevenson trail


272 km

Average duration

10/12 day(s)


6500 m

Our services for The Stevenson trail

Interactive map: stages and accommodation

Discover The Stevenson trail

The Chemin de Stevenson (GR 70) invites you to follow in the footsteps of the Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson through the wild and preserved landscapes of the Cévennes. This iconic trail, about 272 km long, crosses mountains, valleys, forests, and picturesque villages. Achievable in 12 to 15 days of walking, it offers a unique experience of natural and cultural discovery.


Departure from Le Puy-en-Velay

Your adventure begins in Le Puy-en-Velay, a historic town known for its Notre-Dame Cathedral and its historic city center. Leaving this heritage-rich town, you will be immediately immersed in the volcanic landscapes of Velay and the first mountains of the Massif Central.


Key Stages

Along the way, hikers traverse exceptional natural and cultural sites. The crossing of the Loire gorges at Goudet offers spectacular panoramas of steep and wild landscapes.


The Mont Lozère, the highest point of the route, offers breathtaking panoramas of the Cévennes and the surrounding Causses. Le Pont de Montvert, a picturesque village located at the foot of Mont Lozère, is an essential stop to discover the local architecture and savor regional specialties.


Further on, the village of Saint-Jean-du-Gard marks the end of your journey with its lively market and its "Vieux Pont" crossing the Gardon.


The Cultural Experience

Each stage of the Chemin de Stevenson (GR 70) is an invitation to discover local culture and gastronomy. Savor typical dishes such as onion tart, goat cheeses, or chestnut tart. Immerse yourself in local traditions by visiting markets, village festivals, and museums along your route.


Hiking in Complete Serenity

To make your hike even more enjoyable, we offer luggage and passenger transport services throughout the Chemin de Stevenson (GR 70). We can also transport your vehicle along this route.


Walk light and fully enjoy each stage without the weight of your bags. You can also use our services to return to your starting point or reach a train station.


Get ready to experience a memorable adventure by following in the footsteps of Robert Louis Stevenson through the landscapes and history of the Cévennes.