bannière The Geneva trail

The Geneva trail


360 km

Average duration

18 day(s)

Our services for The Geneva trail

Interactive map: stages and accommodation

Discover The Geneva trail

The Santiago de Compostela route from Geneva (GR 65), is a 360 km long hike that starts from the shores of Lake Geneva to reach Le Puy-en-Velay. It stops at Sesyssel, Saint-Genix-sur-Guiers, La Côte-Saint-André and Condrieu. Many hikers and pilgrims from Central Europe, including Germans, Swiss or Austrians, use this path.

To begin with, its varied landscapes offer views of the Jura and Alpine massifs and then of the hillsides covered with the vineyards of the Rhone Valley. It's an ideal opportunity to break up your hike with a wine tasting, in moderation of course!

Next comes the Massif du Pilat, the high plateaus of Vivarais-Lignon and the massif of Meygal (1436 m) where you'll reach the town of le Puy-en-Velay, an essential stage as you continue your pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.


Ideas for stages 

You can use the following stages to prepare your hike. Of course, these can be modified according to your chosen accommodations:

  • Step 1 : Genève - Beaumont, 13.5 km
  • Step 2 : Beaumont - Chaumont, 24 km
  • Step 3 : Chaumont - Seyssel, 18.5 km
  • Step 4 : Seyssel - Chanaz, 21 km
  • Step 5 : Chanaz - Yenne, 16 km
  • Step 6 : Yenne - Pigneux, 21.5 km
  • Step 7 : Pigneux - Valencogne, 23.5 km
  • Step 8 : Valencogne - Grand-Lemps, 19.5 km
  • Step 9 : Grand-Lemps - la Côte-Saint-André, 14.5 km
  • Step 10 : la Côte-Saint-André - Revel-Tourdan, 22 km
  • Step 11 : Revel-Tourdan - Saint-Romain-de-Surieu, 18.5 km
  • Step 12 : Saint-Romain-de-Surieu - Chavanay, 26.5 km
  • Step 13 : Chavanay - Saint-Julien-Molin-Molette, 18 km
  • Step 14 : Saint-Julien-Molin-Molette - les Sétoux, 23.5 km
  • Step 15 : les Sétoux - Montfaucon-en-Velay, 17 km
  • Step 16 : Montfaucon-en-Velay - Saint-Jeures, 19.5 km
  • Step 17 : Saint-Jeures - Saint-Julien-Chapteuil, 21 km
  • Step 18 : Saint-Julien-Chapteuil - Puy-en-Velay, 19 km