bannière The Rocamadour variant

The Rocamadour variant


120 km

Average duration

6 day(s)

Our services for The Rocamadour variant

Interactive map: stages and accommodation

Discover The Rocamadour variant

The Rocamadour path on the way to Compostela offers a superb alternative to the classic GR 65. On the GR 6 and then the GR 46 after Rocamadour, you will enjoy a magnificent trail dotted with several villages classified as “the most beautiful villages of France.”


Starting from Figeac 

In Figeac, hikers and pilgrims have several options: continue on the classic GR 65, take the GR 651 through the Célé Valley, or choose the Rocamadour variant. Choosing the latter option, it takes between 4 and 6 days to reach Cahors: 3 days on the GR 6 between Figeac and Rocamadour, then 2 additional days on the GR 46 to reach Cahors.


The Must-See Stages 

The first village, Cardaillac, sets the tone. Its fort and alleys testify to the noble medieval heritage of the village. Further on, the village of Lacapelle-Marival impresses with its 13th-century castle, a listed historical monument. You will then reach Gramat before diving into the wild Alzou Valley with its remnants of water mills before glimpsing the city of Rocamadour.


Clinging to its cliff and listed among the most beautiful villages of France, it has attracted crowds for centuries. Its perched houses and castle majestically dominate the Alzou Canyon. From its ramparts, the view is remarkable. Also worth discovering is its famous Grand Staircase with 216 steps !


The GR 46 then heads south towards Cahors. On the agenda: the Quercy plateau before reaching Labastide-Murat, the village of Vers, and the panoramas on the banks of the Lot before reaching Cahors.


The Cultural Experience 

In addition to its medieval and religious heritage, Rocamadour offers a rich cultural scene with music festivals and open-air theater performances. The cobbled streets are home to local artisans, art galleries, and shops selling regional products, providing a glimpse into local traditions and craftsmanship. This is also true for the surrounding villages. Finally, tasting local culinary specialties, such as the famous Rocamadour cheese, is a must for food enthusiasts.


Hike with Peace of Mind 

To make your hike even more enjoyable, we offer a baggage transport service throughout the Rocamadour Route. This way, you can walk light and fully enjoy each stage without the weight of your bags.


You can also enjoy the people transport service, using our shuttles on the GR 65 in Cahors and Figeac. This allows you to return to your starting point or reach a train station. We can also assist you on the path if you are injured or due to inclement weather.