bannière The Camino francés

The Camino francés


800 km

Average duration

30 day(s)

Our services for The Camino francés

Interactive map: stages and accommodation

Discover The Camino francés

The Camino Francés is the most popular and cosmopolitan route in Spain. Over some 800 km, for about a month's walk, it provides an opportunity for you to discover many monuments.

You'll leave from the border at Saint Jean Pied de Port and cross the Pyrenees in a very steep first stage to reach Navarre and the Ronceveaux pass.

On the way, you'll then cross towns such as Pamplona, Logroño and Burgos before crossing the “Meseta”, a plateau surrounded by various mountain ranges.

You'll then make your way into Galicia and to Santiago de Compostela.

And why not finish your journey on the ocean coast with a hike to Fisterra?


Ideas for stages 

You can use the following stages to prepare your hike. Of course, these can be modified according to your chosen accommodations:

  • 1 Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port – Roncevaux 26,9 km
  • 2 Roncevaux – Zubiri 22 km
  • 3 Zubiri – Pampelune 19,8 km
  • 4 Pampelune – Puente la Reina 24,3 km
  • 5 Puenta la Reine – Estella 23,3 km
  • 6 Estella – Torres del Rio 29 km
  • 7 Torres del Rio – Logroño 21,1 km
  • 8 Logroño – Nájera 30,1 km
  • 9 Nájera – Grañon 28,8 km
  • 10 Grañon – Belorado 17 km
  • 11 Belorado – San Juan de Ortega 24,8 km
  • 12 San Juan de Ortega – Burgos 30,4 km
  • 13 Burgos – Hontanas 29,8 km
  • 14 Hontanas – Ermita San Nicolás 18,7 km
  • 15 Ermita San Nicolás – Villalcázar de Sirga 29,9 km
  • 16 Villalcázar de Sirga – Calzadilla de la Cueza 23,3 km
  • 17 Calzadilla de la Cueza – Sahagún 24,8 km
  • 18 Sahagún – Reliegos 31,1 km
  • 19 Reliegos – León 29,9 km
  • 20 León – Hospital de Órbigo 32 km
  • 21 Hospital de Órbigo – Santa Catalina de Somoza 26,5 km
  • 22 Santa Catalina de Somoza – El Acebo 33,9 km
  • 23 El Acebo – Ponferrada 18,1 km
  • 24 Ponferrada – Villafranca del Bierzo 25,5 km
  • 25 Villafranca del Bierzo – O’Cebreiro 27,5 km
  • 26 O’Cebreiro – Triacastela 21,5 km
  • 27 Triacastela – Barbadelo 23,7 km
  • 28 Barbadelo – Gonzar 26,2 km
  • 29 Gonzar – Melide 31,4 km
  • 30 Melide – Santa Irene 30,7 km
  • 31 Santa Irene – Santiago 25,3 km
  • 32 Santiago – Negreira 22,8 km
  • 33 Negreira – Olveiroa 32,5 km
  • 34 Olveiroa – Fisterra 33,2 km


Topoguide : 

Le camino francés

Site ressources :


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with our partner Les Petits Montagnards